How long, Gracious God;
how long, Shepherd of your flock?
When will you restore the life we once knew;
when will you let your face shine that we may be saved?
Let your hand be on those whose food has been their tears
those drunk with grief and loneliness and pain.
Strengthen for yourself those ridiculed by oppression and helplessness;
give life to those we have named on our lips and in our hearts,
give life to those we cannot name so that they may call upon your name
and never turn away from you;
in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen More…
And, from the Christmas Bowl downloadable worship resources:
Dedication of Offering
Holy God as you call us to care for your creation and its people,
may our offerings be our thanks for your provisions for our daily lives.
We pray that through these gifts
your Word can be proclaimed through this Christmas season
and through the caring service of this congregation.