3rd February 2019 – Epiphany 4C (COCU 12C)

(Luke 4:21-30)
All spoke well of him
until… double-take, umbrage:
this is ‘Joseph’s son!’

They sought to kill him
but this ‘hometown prophet’ turned
and went on his way.

We follow Jesus
and yet how often treading
*faint but eager steps?
        Jeff Shrowder, 2019
* From the opening line of Cantata BWV 78 by J.S.Bach, ‘We hasten with faint but eager steps’, which pretty much sums up my lifetime of discipleship. (My guess is that it might for others too.) While the cantata is a duet there is a third voice, a cello, which treads these ‘faint but eager steps’ throughout.
More for Epiphany 4C …