This article is from Issue 33 of “On The Move,” a publication of new learning possibilities for churches, at one time published by The Joint Board of Christian Education of Australia and New Zealand.
Although some ideas and liturgies may appear somewhat “dated” in style, concept, imagery or language, they may nevertheless offer a spring-board for new ideas among people who find themselves leading worship, perhaps in a new context, and with some trepidation.
Reproduced by permissio. May be reprinted for use in local congregations only.
The following dialogue isdesigned for use in worship a short time before Christmas. It may be used in a church service, in a study session, or even at your Christmas party. Two people are needed to play the two characters in the dialogue. They may read their lines, but the presentation will be more effective if they can memorise them.
The dialogue begins with the two charactcrs just sitting. Neither shows much animation at this stage. As the dialogue proceeds the first speaker becomes restless and agitated and may jump up and pace up and down. The second person remains quiet and calm throughout, though the final speech is presented with growing strength and conviction.
At the end of the dialogue the last line (‘Let’s take time right now…’) may introduce a time ofquiet reflection by the whole group, fbllowed by sentence prayers or a prepared prayer. A hymn or song would also be appropriate.
Here we are.
Almost Christmas.
(PAUSE)What d’you reckon?
About Christmas.
What about it?
That’s what I’m asking you.
Should we do something?
Like what?
Like — I dunno.
Only ten more shopping days.
Is that right?
So they say.
So who say?
The people on the radio and the television and in the newspapers. Only ten more shopping days until Christmas.
Makes you think.
Does it?
Of course it does!
ten…nine…eight… seven.. .six. . .five… four.. .three.. .two… one.. .no more days until Christmas.
What does it make you think?
That time is running out.
So maybe we’d better do something. Maybe we’d better buy something…
Like what?
Oh, I dunno… decorations, parry hats, presents…
Because we’ve got to get ready and time is running out.
I’m ready.
What have you bought?
Then how can you say you’re ready? Time is running out. Soon it will be too late!
Too late for what?
To get ready.
I told you: lam ready. Aren’t you?
Of course not. There is so much to do and so little time. I don’t know when to start.
Start here. Start with yourself. Take time…
But time is running out!
Only for those who are counting counting the day, counting the profits, counting the presents.
But we have time —all the time there is.
What can we do?
Take time…
Take time to be quiet.
Take time to be quiet with God.
Take time to be quiet in yourself
Take time to look back,
to look around,
to look forward
for the one who has come,
is coming,
will come.
Take time for the good news:
to hear it, to share it, to shout it aloud
that God is love,
that Jesus has come,
is coming,
will come;
that Christmas is a sign
and a celebration
of God’s gift to the world,
now and always.
Let’s take time right now…