40C – Trinity Sunday

39C - Day of Pentecost41C - Sunday 9C
See also my posts from 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022

O LORD, our God, how splendid is your name in all the earth;
a radiance I will worship to the ends of the cosmos.
On weak infant babbling you have established strength
on account of your enemies,
to subdue chaos and death.
I gaze at the night sky, and marvel at your handiwork;
the moon and stars which you have set in place.
Who am I that you remember me,
or the whole human family, that you care about us?
You have made us in your image, little less than yourself,
and surrounded us with the glory and splendour of your creating word.
Yet you have given us these works of your hands:
you have put the world at our feet;
sheep and cattle, herds and flocks,
birds of the air – blue wren and wedgetail eagle,
fish of the sea – fairy penguin and Southern Right whale
— all the creatures that live and move in the depths and shallows.
O LORD, our God, how splendid is your name in all the earth.
God of all that is – seen and unseen,
there are times we exploit rather than treasure your gift of creation
Spirit of grace, btreath of life,
who inspired the prophets to speak and act,
there are times we betray the truth of the gospel
There are times we fail to live your love
Holy One whom we name God,
fill us again with your spirit of grace,
so that we may again love you, our neighbour and ourselves
in the way Jesus loved. Amen

Creating and life-giving God,
you have given us the works of your hands,
and made us little less than yourself,
and move us to love
by the presence of your Spirit of grace.
What can we bring but the labours of our living
and the life we have in you,
in Jesus’ name. Amen

For use in worship, with acknowledgement. © Jeff Shrowder 2000, 2016.

Trinity: as simple as ABS? 
What follows is an outline of my recollection of  a moment in worship led by our parish minister, quite some years ago, and well before I was ordained.

Materials:  A telephone – it could be one from your study desk, or a mobile/cell ‘phone.
The glossy, attractive finish to the telephone comes from Acrylonitrile one of the plastics used in making the telephone. The telephone’s impact strength – which means it will bounce rather than break if dropped – comes from Butadene. And Styrene give the telephone its attractively moulded shape. You can’t see each of these plastics; what you see is the result, or effect, of their presence. Three plastics, one telephone.
So too, the three Persons of the One God are evident by the effects of their presence.

(A prayer to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession with connection to the lections for the day. Sometimes this prayer borrows lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)

Holy mystery
of creativity, life and grace,
we name
on our lips and in our silence
our concern
for those suffering illness, grief or broken relationship;
others enduring hardship in material ways.
Enable us,
by your presence,
to comfort, encourage and be with
those known to us,
that they may have hope
through the love poured out
in your holy Spirit …
      (The Prayers of the People continue)

Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate

Come down, O Love divine TIS 398
Come,thou everlasting Spirit TIS 509
Father in heaven, grant to your children TIS 465
God has spoken by his prophets TIS 158
Immortal, invisible, God only wise TIS 143
PROVERBS 8:1-4, 22-31
Colourful Creator, God of mystery TIS 190
Eternal Father, strong to save TIS 138
I sing the almighty power of God TIS 119
Nature with open volume stands TIS 343
O Lord our Lord, your glorious name TIS 3
O Lord, our Governor, how glorious is your name TIS 4
ROMANS 5:1-5
All hail the power of Jesus’ name TIS 224
Christ is made the sure foundation TIS 432
Come, Spirit of God, holy Lord TIS 399
Father of heaven, whose love profound TIS 131
God, we praise you, God, we bless you TIS 99
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds TIS 223
I know that my Redeemer TIS 202
Let earth & heaven combine TIS 305
May the mind of Christ my Saviour TIS 609
O Holy Spirit, enter in TIS 400
O love of God, how strong & true TIS 139
O what a gift, what a wonderful gift TIS 278
Peace with the Father, peace with Christ the Son TIS 466
We give immortal praise TIS 118
JOHN 16:12-15
Come down, O Love divine TIS 398
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly dove TIS 402
Come, Holy Spirit, come! TIS 422
Come, Spirit blest, Creator, come TIS 397
Holy Spirit, come confirm us TIS 413
Lord God, the Spirit blest TIS 404
O breath of God, breathe on us now TIS 408
O Spirit of the living God TIS 405
O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God TIS 401
Sometimes a healing word is comfort TIS 692
Spirit of truth, essential God TIS 426
Your words to me are life and health TIS 430

2 thoughts on “40C – Trinity Sunday”

  1. Thank you. I have chosen the hymns for our congregation many times over the years and it is such a help to have the wide range of hymn choices you have already proposed to fit the readings so well. It used to take me hours for each week. With your help and Gods guidance I can prepare the hymn list sooooo much more quickly.
    Thank you again and may Gods hand lead you as you continue in this ministry.

    1. Madeleine, I’m delighted to hear that you have found the resources of The Billabong helpful so often. Thank you. The web site started out many years ago as a resource for people like you. Since that time the site has grown and so has the diversity of folk using what I’ve been able to offer.

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