22B – Lent 4B

21B - Lent 3B23B - Lent 5B
See also my posts from 2012, 2018, 2021, 2024

CALL TO WORSHIP: (from Psalm 107:1-3,17-22)
Come to worship the Source of all being
with thanksgiving and praise,
We gather to worship the divine mystery
who is good

and whose lovingkindness is for ever. 
Come to worship the Source of all being
with a sacrifice of thanksgiving.
We gather to worship the divine mystery 
whose lovingkindness is shown
in word and deed.

Come to worship the Source of all being
with songs of joy.

We worship you with joy and thanksgiving
the eternal, divine presence we name God,
whose word creates
and whose breath gives life.

The word of the holy one feeds us;
we are satisfied, and there is always more. 
In our humanity we are rebellious,
and sometimes follow after foolish ideas;
going ways which lead away from life …

And yet, when we cry out,
we are still in the company of divine mystery,
whose word heals our inner emptiness and pain
and embraces us and leads us in lifegiving ways.

Divine, unending faithfulness, revealed to us in Jesus,
is made present to us in the spirit of grace.
And we give thanks. Amen

The manner of your loving, O God,
is shown in your giving.
Accept the gifts we bring;
signs and tokens of our daily life,
our labour and our love.
Guide us in their use
by your light to the world, Jesus.

For use in worship, with acknowledgement. © Jeff Shrowder 2015.

Click here for some ideas for worship in Lent and Easter gleaned from the pages of “On the Move” (now out of print) which was published by the Joint Board of Christian Education, Melbourne, Australia.

(A prayer to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession with connection to the lections for the day. Sometimes this prayer will borrow lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)
Loving God,
present amid the confusion and strife of the world,
in your steadfast love
speak your healing word
to those whose troubles are known only to you.
and by the warmth of your Spirit
encourage and sustain
those who we name in our hearts and on our lips…
Hear our prayer, in Jesus’ name…
      (The Prayers of the People continue)

Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate
Or metrical psalms? Try Dale A. Schoening’s Sing the Psalms

Christ is the world’s true light TIS 238
Forgive our sins as we forgive TIS 635
Hail! our once despised Jesus TIS 373
Nature with open volume stands TIS 343
Praise to the living God, TIS 102
The great love of God TIS 164
The people that in darkness walked TIS 274
There is a green hill far away TIS 350
Numbers 21:4-9
Bread of heaven, on you we feed TIS 513
Dear Father, Lord of humankind TIS 598
O my Saviour, lifted TIS 600
There is a green hill far away TIS 350
Psalm 107:1-3,17-22
Give to our God immortal praise TIS 84
Now thank we all our God TIS 106
Eternal Father, strong to save TIS 138
Let us with a gladsome mind TIS 83
Ephesians 2:1-10
All hail the power of Jesus’ name TIS 224
All praise to our redeeming Lord TIS 442
Christ is the heavenly food TIS 522
Come let us with our Lord arise TIS 375
Comfort, comfort, all my people TIS 647
Father of mercy, God of consolation TIS 472
Father, whose everlasting love TIS 213
Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go TIS 571
God of mercy, God of grace TIS 452
Jesus! the name high over all TIS 218
Lift up your heads, you mighty gates TIS 267
O the deep, deep love of Jesus TIS 232
Salvation now to us has come TIS 195
Sing praise and thanksgiving, TIS 107
We give immortal praise TIS 118
What shall I do my God to love TIS 122
John 3:14-2l
All go to God when they are sorely placed TIS 240
And can it be that I should gain TIS 209
Behold the amazing gift of love TIS 115
Breathe on me,breath of God TIS 407
Come let us with our Lord arise TIS 375
Eternal light, shine in my heart TIS 548
Fairest Lord Jesus, TIS 203
Father, whose everlasting love TIS 213
God is love, let heaven adore him TIS 153
Great God, we sing that mighty hand TIS 124
He who by a mother’s love TIS 277
I know that my redeemer lives TIS 376
I want to walk as a child of the light TIS 643
Lift high the cross TIS 351
Love Divine all loves excelling TIS 217
My song is love unknown TIS 341
Now to him who loved us TIS 771
O what a gift, what a wonderful gift TIS 278
So God loved the people of the world TIS 241
The great love of God TIS 164
There is a green hill far away TIS 350
To God be the glory, great things he has done TIS 147
We give immortal praise TIS 118
When Christ was lifted from the earth TIS 248
When God almighty came to be one of us TIS 281

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