39B - Day of Pentecost — 41B - Sunday 9B
See also my post from 2012, 2018, 2021, 2024
Give glory and honour and power and authority
to the name of the LORD,
all you children of God!
Worship the LORD in holy awe;
bow down in the overwhelming presence of our God.
Listen to the presence of the LORD over the waters;
hear the majesty of the name of the LORD;
its power and authority above the roar of the flood.
Cedar panels in the Temple splinter at the voice of the LORD,
lightning flashes rip open the sky;
animals give birth before their time, and the earth trembles.
A shout of “Glory!” rises to the LORD
enthroned in splendour:
“Give protection and blessing and life for ever”.
Give glory and honour and power and authority
to the name of the LORD,
all you children of God!
Worship the LORD in holy awe;
bow down in the overwhelming presence of our God.
Listen to the presence of the LORD over the waters;
hear the majesty of the name of the LORD;
its power and authority above the roar of the flood.
Cedar panels in the Temple splinter at the voice of the LORD,
lightning flashes rip open the sky;
animals give birth before their time, and the earth trembles.
A shout of “Glory!” rises to the LORD
enthroned in splendour,
the LORD give protection and blessing and life for ever.
Generous God,
Source of life, Word of life, Breath of life,
you call us to make real
the sharing of the gifts you have given us.
Use the offerings of our hearts and our hands
in the care of your realm. Amen.
A CREATIVE MOMENT – Isaiah 6:1-8
Introduce the reading of this lection with dramatic, loud music, maybe with lots of percussion and trumpets – and a smoke machine for good effect!
(A prayer to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession with connection to the lections for the day. Sometimes this prayer will borrow lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)
Holy, holy, holy are you,
Source of life,
Word of life,
Breath of life.
Send us
to warm the lives of those we name
on our unclean lips and in the silence of our hearts.
Send us
to celebrate with those open to your abundance.
Send us
to bring comfort to those among us and around us who are hurting.
Send us
to encourage those for whom the light of life
shines less brightly…
(The Prayers of the People continue)
Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate
Or metrical psalms? Try Dale A. Schoening’s Sing the Psalms
All creatures of our God and King, | TIS 100 |
Come Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire | TIS 425 |
Come you people, come adore him | TIS 101 |
How deep the riches of our God | TIS 167 |
I bind unto myself today | TIS 478 |
Praise the Spirit in creation | TIS 415 |
We all believe in God who made | TIS 435 |
We limit not the truth of God | TIS 453 |
Isaiah 6:1-8 |
Crown him with many crowns | TIS 228 |
Glory to the King of kings | TIS 718 |
God your are clothed with life | TIS 193 |
God, we praise you, God, we bless you | TIS 99 |
Holy God, we praise your name | TIS 127 |
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty | TIS 132 |
I, the Lord of sea and sky | TIS 658 |
Immortal, invisible, God only wise | TIS 143 |
Inspired by love and anger, | TIS 674 |
Let all mortal flesh keep silence | TIS 497 |
Santo, santo, santo, | TIS 723 |
Spirit of truth, essential God | TIS 426 |
Stand up and bless the Lord | TIS 449 |
The God of Abraham praise | TIS 125 |
The heavens shall declare the glory of his name | TIS 746 |
Thuma mina [Send me, Lord] | TIS 749 |
We praise, we worship thee, O God, | TIS 98 |
Ye watchers and ye holy ones | TIS 150 |
You holy angels bright | TIS 108 |
Psalm 29 |
I greet you, my Redeemer sure | TIS 198 |
O give the Lord glory, you children of God | TIS 17 |
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness | TIS 454 |
You are holy, you are whole | TIS 753 |
Romans 8:12-17 |
Baptised into your name most holy | TIS 481 |
By your kingly power, O risen Lord | TIS 386 |
Captain of Israel’s host, and Guide | TIS 574 |
Christ is the world’s true light | TIS 238 |
Come, Spirit of God, holy Lord | TIS 399 |
Father in heaven | TIS 465 |
God sends us his Spirit to defend and help us | TIS 412 |
Hark the glad sound ! the Saviour comes | TIS 269 |
Holy Spirit, ever dwelling | TIS 410 |
Lod God, the Spirit blest | TIS 404 |
Lord, keep us steadfast in your word | TIS 436 |
Loving Spirit, loving Spirit | TIS 417 |
Wash, O God, our sons and daughters | TIS 493 |
John 3: 1-17 |
A spendthrift lover is the Lord | TIS 676 |
All go to God when they are sorely placed | TIS 240 |
Breathe on me,breath of God | TIS 407 |
Come let us with our Lord arise | TIS 375 |
Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice | TIS 196 |
Fairest Lord Jesus | TIS 203 |
Father, whose everlasting love | TIS 213 |
God is love, let heaven adore him | TIS 153 |
He became poor that we may be rich | TIS 721 |
He who by a mother’s love | TIS 277 |
I know that my redeemer lives | TIS 376 |
In water we grow | TIS 494 |
Let all together praise our God | TIS 298 |
Lift high the cross | TIS 351 |
Lord, your almighty Word | TIS 447 |
Love Divine all loves excelling | TIS 217 |
Morning glory, starlit sky | TIS 174 |
My song is love unknown | TIS 341 |
Now is eternal life | TIS 385 |
Now to him who loved us | TIS 771 |
O my Saviour, lifted | TIS 600 |
O what a gift, what a wonderful gift | TIS 278 |
She sits like a bird, brooding on the waters | TIS 418 |
So God love the people of the world | TIS 241 |
The great love of God | TIS 164 |
The sounds in God’s world all agree | TIS 176 |
To Christ, the prince of peace | TIS 335 |
We believe in God who made | TIS 435 |
We give immortal praise | TIS 118 |
When God almighty came to be one of us | TIS 281 |