42A – Sunday 10A

41A - Sunday 9A43A - Sunday 11A
See also my posts from 2023
O come with rejoicing, your praise gladly voicing,
and give to the Lord now the praise that is due.
With melody ringing — with shouting and singing —
come, praising our God with a song that is new.
With waters collected, and oceans perfected,
the love ever steadfast of God filled the earth.
Let all people wonder, their circumstance ponder —
God’s word which is upright gave everything birth.

No nation’s designing, or other’s inclining,
succeeds in outlasting the thoughts of the Lord,
for kings are unseated, and armies defeated,
their efforts confounded, in time, by God’s word.
The intimate measure of God’s every pleasure
is found in the heartbeat of all humankind
God’s love finds expression in chosen possession,
the people of God held by love unconfined.

And God is befriending, and surely defending,
the people who seek to live under God’s claim;
affording protection and steadfast affection,
sustaining and saving all trusting God’s name.
O Lord, we are waiting, our souls contemplating
with trust and conviction, your glorious reign;
that on us descending, our broken lives mending,
your love ever steadfast may rest and remain.
         © Jeff Shrowder 1996

Familiar notes, familiar coins, familiar actions.
Grant, Lord God,
that the offering of our gifts and ourselves
may never be so familiar
as to be a mere formality.
Let your Holy Spirit breathe life into our serving,
so that all that we do brings glory to your kingdom.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

For use in worship, with acknowledgement. © Jeff Shrowder 1996, 2014.

A CREATIVE MOMENT – Genesis 12:1-9, Matthew 9:9-13 18-26
Abram sets out for an unknown destination on the strength of God’s word.
Matthew leaves his tax booth at Jesus’ invitation, “Follow me”.

Using the draped brown cloth from last week might symbolise the journeys into which Abram and Matthew have both been called. Imagine ways in which the maps, inventories, itineraries and packing lists with which most of us prepare to travel with the seemingly unplanned freedom and immediacy with which Abram and Matthew set out.

Offer the opportunity for the congregation to share individual stories of profound journeys which started with nothing more that a word.

(A prayer, usually with connection to one or more of the lections for the day, to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession. Sometimes this prayer also borrows lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)

God of mystery and love,
let the light of your Word and the warmth of your Spirit
give courage to the weak and the lonely.
bring healing to the grieving,
and be company for those
whose troubles are known only to you …

         (The Prayers of the People continue)

Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate

Genesis 12:1-9
God gives us a future TIS 687
Great God, we sing that mighty hand TIS 124
The God ofAbraham praise TIS 125
Through all the changing scenes of life TIS 112
What God ordains is always good TIS 109
Psalm 33:1-12
Eternal Father, strong to save TIS 138
Great God, we sing that mighty hand TIS 124
King of glory, king of peace TIS 201
Lift up your heads, you mighty gates TIS 267
Morning has broken TIS 156
O love of God, how strong and true TIS 139
One God, one living God TIS 742
Serve you the Lord, heart filled with gladness TIS 60
Sing a new song to the Lord TIS 95
Thanks to God whose word was spoken TIS 431
We praise, we worship you, O God TIS 98
Romans 4:13-25
Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme TIS 116
Faith will not grow from words alone TIS 691
Have faith in God, my heart TIS 619
If we will trust in God to guide us TIS 554
O love, how deep, how broad, how high TIS 194
Salvation now to us has come TIS 195
Matthew 9:9-13,18-26
All go to God when they are sorely place TIS 240
At the name of Jesus TIS 231
Come as you are, that’s how I want you TIS 693
Jesus Christ is waiting TIS 665
Lord Jesus Christ, lover of all TIS 737
O Christ the healer, we have come TIS 638
O Jesus Christ, may grateful hymns be ri TIS 620
Sometimes a healing word is comfort TIS 692
What does the Lord require T1S 618
Woman in the night TIS 661

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