49A – Sunday 17A

48A - Sunday 16A50A - Sunday 18A
See also my posts from 2014, 2017, 2020, 2023
CALL TO WORSHIP (From Psalm 105:1-5)
Give thanks to the LORD;
call on the name of the LORD.
tell the world what God has done. 
Sing to the LORD, and sing praises;
and tell of God’s wonderful works
Glory in God’s holy name
let those who seek the LORD rejoice to the core of their being.
Seek the LORD, and the strength of the LORD;
seek God’s presence continually.
Remember the wonderful works,
the miracles and the judgements of the LORD
Holy is your name, O LORD.

Source of life,
in unity with the Word of life
we bring our diverse gifts.
Breath of life inspire our serving
in the use of these gifts. Amen.

For use in worship, with acknowledgement. © Jeff Shrowder 2000, 2014.

A CREATIVE MOMENT – Genesis 29:15-28 and Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Probably the simplest and most direct way of symbolising the Genesis reading today is with a large sign which simply carries the message “7 + 7”.

Images or examples of those things with which Jesus likened the Kingdom of Heaven, in today’s Gospel lection, might provide an appropriate focal point for the worship theme.

(A prayer, usually with connection to one or more of the lections for the day, to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession. Sometimes this prayer also borrows lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)

Compassionate God,
By your Holy Spirit
draw near to those we have named on our lips
and in the silence of our hearts
and those whose trouble is known only to you;
for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord,
who intercedes for us also
and in whose name we pray …
         (The Prayers of the People continue)

Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate
Or metrical psalms? Try Dale A. Schoening’s Sing the Psalms

Genesis 29:15-28
Be thou my vision TIS 547
If we will trust in God to guide us TIS 554
When love is found and hope comes home TIS 654
When the light of first creation TIS 698
Psalm 128 OR Psalm 105:1-11,45b
As man and woman we were made TIS 645
O give thanks to God TIS 66
Sing praise to God who reigns above TIS 110
The God of Abraham praise TIS 125
Blessed are those whose way is blameless TIS 75
Romans 8: 26-39
Blessed Jesus, at your word TIS 437
Come now, everlasting Spirit TIS 509
Dear Christians, one and all rejoice TIS 196
Have faith in God, my heart TIS 619
Holy Spirit, come confirm us TIS 413
In suffering love the thread of life TIS 177
In you is gladness TIS 200
Jesus, my Redeemer, lives TIS 366
Like the murmur of the dove’s song TIS 419
Lord, you have been our dwelling-place TIS 144
Now is eternal life TIS 385
O breath of God, breathe on us now TIS 408
Spirit divine, attend our prayers TIS 406
Where high the heavenly temple stands TIS 377
Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52
Comfort, confort all my people TIS 647
God beyond glory TIS 678
God has spoken to his people, hallelujah TIS 636
God, your glory we have seen in your Son TIS 461
Master, speak, thy servant heareth TIS 597
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God TIS 745
The great love of God TIS 164

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