59B – Sunday 27B

58B - Sunday 26B60B - Sunday 28B
See also my post from 2012, 2018, 2021
Gracious God,
you have brought us from the rest of the night,
to the light of this day,
to the guiding light of your eternal presence.

Caring God,
we gather to hear the sound of your praise.
We come from the busy-ness of our daily lives
which is sometimes messy as well.

Creating God,
we gather in this place where your glory dwells.
You have been with us in the sticky bits and the smooth,
even when we have felt too burdened or busy to notice.

Sustaining God,
we gather to worship you.
We come to be renewed in your lovingkindness
and strengthened by your faithfulness.

God, through whose goodness
we have these gifts to share;
accept and use the offerings of our hearts
and our hands
that they may be used
in ways that embody your compassion. Amen.

For use in worship, with acknowledgement. © Jeff Shrowder 2000, 2015.

As the psalmist pleads his case to God, we are invited to imagine, and perhaps depict in posters/photographs/overhead projections, examples of God’s steadfast love (v.2), wondrous deeds (v.7) and glory (v.8).
A second group of images might depict the evil-doers and wicked (v.5), the blood-thirst (9), the evil-doers and bribes (v.10).
Add a third group: images of the great congregation – your congregation, the wider church, and “so great a cloud of witnesses” – in action in the community, living in the tension between the glory of God and the human circumstance of which we capable.

(A prayer to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession with connection to the lections for the day. Sometimes this prayer borrows lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)
By your Holy Spirit, O God,
warm the lives of those we name
on our lips and in our silence;
celebrate with those open to your abundance;
bring comfort to those among us and around us
who are hurting;
those whose troubles are known only to you;
and encouragement to those for whom the light of life
grows dim.
      (The Prayers of the People continue)

Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate

All my hope in God is founded TIS 560
All things bright and beautiful TIS 135
Now thank we all our God, TIS 106
Thank you for giving me the morning TIS 162
What shall I do my God to love TIS 122
When morning gilds the skies TIS 227
Ye gates, lift up your heads on high TIS 12
Your hand O God has guided TIS 456
Job 1:1; 2:1-10
How firm a foundation, you people of God TIS 578
O for a heart to praise my God TIS 568
Rejoice in God’s saints TIS 470
What God ordains is always good TIS 109
Psalm 26
God you touch the earth with beauty TIS 610
Here in this place, new light is streaming TIS 474
I set the Lord before my eyes TIS 673
Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12
A man there lived in Galilee TIS 235
Christ is the world’s light TIS 246
Give me the wings of faith to rise TIS 438
God has spoken to his people, Hallelujah TIS 636
Holy Spirit, ever dwelling TIS 410
I know that my redeemer lives TIS 376
In great thanksgiving, O love divine TIS 632
Join all the glorious names TIS 205
Man more than man TIS 355
My song is love unknown TIS 341
Now to the Lord a noble song TIS 113
Praise and thanksgiving, Father, we offer TIS 627
Praise our God, the great creator TIS 165
Praise to the living God TIS 102
Rejoice, the Lord is king TIS 216
Spirit divine, attend our prayers TIS 406
The head that once was crowned with thorns TIS 378
To us a child of royal birth TIS 308
Mark 10:2-16
As man and woman we were made TIS 645
Dearest Jesus, we are here TIS 480
Happy the home that welcomes you, Lord Jesus TIS 581
Jesus’ hands were kind hands TIS 236
Love divine all loves excelling TIS 217
Wash, O God, our sons and daughters TIS 493
Your love, O God, has called us here TIS 664

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