15B – Epiphany 7B

14B - Epiphany 6B16B - Epiphany 8B
Blessed is the person who acts with concern for the poor;
whom the LORD will rescue in bad times.
May that person be protected, kept and blessed in the land by the LORD;
and not given up to the will of enemies.
May the LORD strengthen that person on their sick bed;
and overcome all their illnesses.
I said to the LORD, “Have mercy on me,
heal me, for I have sinned against you.
My enemies speak ill of me:
‘When will he die, and his name perish?’
If one visits me, they speak insincerely,
harbouring malicious thoughts to be spoken to the rest of the world.
They whisper about me among themselves, plotting worse for me:
“Something dreadful has overtaken her; she won’t get up again.”
My friend, whom I trusted, who shares my bread,
has turned against me – slandered me.
But you, O LORD, have mercy on me;
let me rise up so that I may pay them back.
Then I shall know that you are pleased with me,
if my enemy cannot triumph over me.
As for me, uphold me in my integrity,
and set me in your presence for ever.
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel,
from everlasting and to everlasting. Amen and Amen.

PSALM 41 (A Prayer of Confession/Supplication)
Gracious God,
you bless the person who acts with concern for the poor;
rescuing them in bad times.
You protect, keep and bless them in whatever their setting.
and do not give them up to the desires of their enemies.
O LORD, strengthen such a person on his sick bed;
and overcome all her illnesses.
Have mercy on me, O LORD,
heal me, for I have sinned against you.
My enemies speak ill of me:
‘When will he die, and her name perish?’
One visits me with empty words,
while harbouring ill will to be spoken to the rest of the world
They whisper about me among themselves,
plotting greater misery for me:
“Something dreadful has got hold of him;
she won’t get up again.”
My friend, whom I trusted, who shares my bread,
has turned against me – slandered me.
But you, O LORD, have mercy on me;
let me rise up so that I can bring them back into shalom.
Then I shall know that you are pleased with me,
if my enemy cannot triumph over me.
As for me, uphold me in my integrity,
and set me in your presence for ever.
Blessed are you, LORD God of Israel,
from everlasting and to everlasting. Amen and Amen.

OFFERING (From Isa. 43:20-21)
You, O holy One, give water in the wilderness
for the wild animals,
rivers in the desert
for your people on the way to a promised goal,
receive the gifts we offer;
and let all our service give you praise;
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

For use in worship, with acknowledgement. © Jeff Shrowder 2000.

A CREATIVE MOMENT – 1 Corinthians 1:18-22 
God has said ‘yes’ to humankind in Jesus of Nazareth.
During the week leading up to this service have the congregation ponder the question, “How many ways can you/we say ‘yes’?
Invite the members of all ages to bring to worship:
(a) ‘yes’ in different languages (on sheets of paper ;
(b) pictures which show people saying ‘yes’ by their body language and/or actions;
all of which could be “blue-tacked” to the walls of the worship space Perhaps consider:
(a) This might be expanded beyond “How do we say ‘yes’ to one another?” to include or explore “How do we say ‘yes’ to God?”

(A prayer to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession with connection to the lections for the day. Sometimes this prayer will borrow lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)

Be a sustaining presence
to those we name on our lips
and in the silence of our hearts…
a blessing to those
who love and care for them…
Pour out your Spirit, O God,
like water in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert,
on all who are weighed down with grief;
those whose troubles are known only to you;
and be present to those who have no-one …
In Jesus’ name we pray….
(The prayers continue…)

Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate

All who love and serve your city TIS 634
Christ is the world’s redeemer TIS 192
Forgive our sins as we forgive TIS 635
God of all power and truth and grace TIS 567
Jesus, lover of my soul TIS 211
Let us sing to the God of salvation TIS 52
Lord Jesus, think on me TIS 546
Love Divine all loves excelling TIS 217
Praise, my soul, the king of heaven; TIS 134
Put all your trust in God TIS 555
This, this is the God we adore TIS 220
IsaIah 43:18-25
Father of mercy, God of consolation TIS 472
God of all power, and truth and grace TIS 567
Great is your faithfulness TIS 154
Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom TIS 582
Let us sing to the God of salvation TIS 52
This, this is the God we adore TIS 220
We are your people, Lord, by your grace TIS 468
Psalm 41
Blessed are they that consider TIS 24
2 Corinthians 1:18-22
I greet you, my Redeemer sure TIS 198
I, the Lord of sea and sky TIS 658
Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love TIS 640
Jesus, lover of my soul TIS 211
Love divine, all loves excelling TIS 217
My God, accept my heart this day TIS 485
O Jesus crucified, for us you suffered TIS 354
Spirit divine, attend our prayers TIS 406
To God be the glory, great things he has done TIS 147
To us a child of royal birth TIS 308
Mark 2:1-12
A man there lived in Galilee TIS 235
Christ is the world’s redeemer TIS 192
Forgive our sins, as we forgive TIS 635
God of mercy, God of grace TIS 452
God’s Son came to bless us TIS 197
Jesus Christ is waiting TIS 665
O Christ the healer, we have come TIS 638
O Jesus Christ, may grateful hymns be rising TIS 620
O for a thousand tongues to sing TIS 210
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy TIS 136
Where cross the crowded ways of life TIS 608

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