61A – Sunday 29A

60A - Sunday 28A62A - Sunday 30A
See also my post from 2017, 2020, 2023

Psalm 99 
The LORD reigns:
let all peoples, and all the earth tremble in holy awe.
The LORD is great, exalted over all the nations.
Let all peoples praise the great name of the LORD,
the one name to be held in holy awe.
The LORD, our God is holy.
Indeed, mighty king, loving justice, you have established order;
in Jacob you brought about your justice and actions which put things right.
Exalt the LORD, and bow down at the footstool of our God.
Holy is the LORD.
Moses and Aaron were among God’s priests,
and Samuel was among those who called on the name of the LORD.
They cried to the LORD and the LORD God answered them.
The LORD God spoke to them out of the pillar of cloud;
they kept the testimonies of the LORD
and the decree that the LORD gave them.

O LORD, our God, you answered them,
you were a forgiving God to them,
but punishing their wrongdoing.
Exalt the LORD, and bow down at the holy mountain of our God,
for the LORD, our God, is holy.

WE GATHER TO WORSHIP GOD (From Psalm 99:1-3)
The LORD reigns:
let all peoples, and all the earth tremble in holy awe.
The LORD is great, exalted over all the nations.
Let all peoples praise the great name of the LORD,
        the one name to be held in holy awe.
Holy is the LORD, our God.

For use in worship, with acknowledgement. © Jeff Shrowder 1999.

A CREATIVE MOMENT – Matthew 22:15-22
(a) Sheets of light card, or A4 paper (100gsm weight);
(b) a roll of metallic foil gift wrapping (It doesn’t matter what the pattern is, as long as the wrapping has a shiny back;
(c) clear (“magic”) adhesive tape.Jesus’ response to the Pharisees’ question calls to mind Genesis 1:26

Left-click (for Linux and Windows users. Sorry, Mac users, you’ll have to help me here) for a full-size graphic which you can then save and print.

Cards, in the style illustrated, could be printed onto sheets of A4 (three per page).
Attach a square of the wrapping foil as a “mirror” as indicated.
Fold the card along the dotted centre fold line.
These cards could be distributed to the members of the congregation as a “return offering” towards the close of worship.

(A prayer to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession with connection to the lections for the day. Sometimes this prayer will borrow lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community. )

God of life and hope,
who hears the joy and pain in our hearts
before we speak,
and answers us, in often unexpected ways,
before we know our needs…
By the gentle breath of your Spirit
strength to those whom we have named
on our lips and in our hearts…
rejoice with the hopeful;
be company to the lonely…
a comfort to all weighed down with grief…
and those whose troubles are known only to you…
that all may know your peace:
in Jesus’ name…
(The Prayers of the People continue)

Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate

All things bright and beautiful TIS 135
From all who dwell below the skies, TIS 72
God moves in a mysterious way TIS 126
Let all the world in every corner sing: TIS 105
Now let us from this table rise TIS 530
O sing a new song to the Lord TIS 56
The law of Christ alone can make us free TIS 630
Exodus 33:12-23
God of many names TIS 180
Great is your faithfulness TIS 154
Sing praise to God who reigns above TIS 110
Psalm 99
O worship the King all glorious above TIS 133
Rejoice the Lord is King! TIS 216
The Lord reigns, let the peoples tremble TIS 58
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Father of mercy, God of consolation TIS 472
Firmly I believe and truly TIS 140
How firm a foundation, you people of God TIS 578
O for a closer walk with God TIS 576
Rejoice in God’s saints TIS 470
Thanks to God whose Word was spoken TIS 431
Through all the changing scenes of life TIS l12
Matthew 22:15-22
All my hope on God is founded TIS 560
Crown him with many crowns TIS 228
Give to our God immortal praise TIS 84
Glorious things of you are spoken TIS 446
I danced in the morning TIS 242
Kneels at the feet of his friends TIS 640

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