58A - Sunday 26A — 60A - Sunday 28A
See also my post from 2017, 2020, 2023
CALL TO WORSHIP (from Psalm 19)
Come into this sacred space to worship God
whose teaching is perfect;
whose directions are sure.
Come into this holy place to worship God
whose standards are right;
whose commandment is clear;
whose judgements are true.
Come with holy fear —
to be given life, and made wise,
to have your heart stirred and your eyes opened wide.
Come — let us worship God.
Let the words of our mouths and the whispering of our hearts
be acceptable to you,
Source of life,
Word of life,
Breath of life. Amen.
Your glory, O God
is declared in the holy silence of the heavens,
and told in the silent succession of day and night.
No speech, or word or voice is heard;
yet they speak to all the world,
and their words reach to the ends of the earth.
The sun joyfully leaps across the sky,
from one end of the heavens to the farthest reaches,
and nothing is hidden from its heat or light.
So nothing that we do or say or whisper in our hearts
is hidden from you, Lord God.
Release us from the darkness we hide deep within our lives.
Let our lives be radiant with holy fear;
delighting in your teaching,
receiving insight from your commandments
and wisdom from your encouraging.
Enliven our desire for your everlasting judgements
over wealth or fame:
to enjoy the sweet drippings of the honeycomb,
that are to be found
in right relationship with those around us,
and with you. Amen.
(a) a goodly length of clean newsprint, or alternatively, a number of smaller sheets of paper which can be joined together;
(b) coloured crayons, felt-tipped marker pens, scraps of coloured paper or other media
Create a mural by inviting the congregation to illustrate the images depicted or suggested by the psalm, using the coloured crayons, felt-tipped marker pens, scraps of coloured paper or other media (perhaps use a glue-stick rather than liquid glue to stick these to the mural).
For some situations it may be better to hang the blank mural on the wall before everyone begins to create; in other situations it may be better to work “on the flat”, with the hanging of the mural being the culmination of this creative moment.
Be imaginative, even the the psalm suggests that perhaps the sky is not the limit 🙂
(A prayer, usually with connection to one or more of the lections for the day, to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession. Sometimes this prayer also borrows lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)
God of unfailing love,
who is above all and through all and in all;
you have blessed us with this new day;
with birds of the air, and fish of the sea;
with animals, plant life, crops, rich vegetation,
trees bowed down with fruit:
yet we cry to you, O God,
for those we name in word and silence
and those whose trouble is known only to you,
that in our living
they may be comforted, encouraged and sustained.
God of this day,
hear our prayer;
in Jesus’ name…
(The Prayers of the People continue)
Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate
Fill my whole life, O Lord my God | TIS 596 |
I sing the almighty power of God | TIS 119 |
Jesus the Lord said ‘I am the bread’ | TIS 239 |
Praise and thanksgiving Father we offer | TIS 627 |
Exodus 20:1-4,7-9,12-20 | |
Forgive our sins as we forgive | TIS 635 |
Jesus calls us; o’er the tumult | TIS 589 |
O for a closer walk with God | TIS 576 |
One God, one living God | TIS 742 |
This is the day the Lord has made | TIS 368 |
Psalm 19 | |
Christ, whose glory fills the skies | TIS 212 |
God’s law is perfect, and converts | TIS 8 |
Let all creation dance | TIS 187 |
Morning has broken | TIS 156 |
Now to the Lord a noble song | TIS 113 |
O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder | TIS 155 |
Sing a new song, sing a new song | TIS 166 |
The day of resurrection | TIS 361 |
The voice of God goes out to all the world | TIS 282 |
This is my Father’s world | TIS 149 |
We all believe in God who made | TIS 435 |
Philippians 3:4b-14 | |
Christ the Lord is risen today | TIS 370 |
Fairest Lord Jesus | TIS 203 |
God gives us a future | TIS 687 |
Have faith in God, my heart | TIS 619 |
I am alone, yet not alone | TIS 605 |
I know that my Redeemer | TIS 202 |
Let him to whom we now belong | TIS 563 |
Lift up your heads, you mighty gates | TIS 267 |
Lord Jesus joy of loving hearts | TIS 499 |
Now we come, our heavenly Father | TIS 462 |
This is a day of new beginnings | TIS 653 |
Matthew 21:33-46 | |
A man there lived in Galilee | TIS 235 |
At the name of Jesus | TIS 231 |
Christ is made the sure foundation | TIS 432 |
How firm a foundation, you people of God | TIS 578 |
I danced in the morning | TIS 242 |
The head that once was crowned with thorns | TIS 378 |