55A - Sunday 23A — 57A - Sunday 25A
See also my post from 2017, 2020, 2023
Psalm 114
After Israel came out of Egypt,
and the house of Jacob departed from a barbaric people
Judah became the LORD’s holy place, and Israel God’s dominion.
The sea looked and ran; the Jordan turned back.
The mountains leapt like rams, the hills like lambs of the flock.
Why, sea, would you run away? Why, river, would you turn back?
Mountains, why leap like rams, and hills why leap like lambs?
O land, tremble with the pangs of childbirth, in the presence of the LORD,
in the presence of the God of Jacob.
who transformed the rock into a pool of water,
and flint into a spring of water
A CREATIVE MOMENT – Exodus 14:19-31
(a) large sheets of newsprint – about 3 metres long (perhaps from a roll remant, but sheets from your daily newspaper, stuck together would also work) – as many sheets as aisles in your church,
(b) have one or several members of the congregation paint the newsprint – a metre of blue, a metre of sandy brown, and a metre of blue.
(c) attach the newsprint between the front pews so that the sandy brown is on the floor between the pews and the blue sections rise up the pew ends.
As the congregation comes forward to receive communion, they walk the walk of the people of the exodus, and experience a reminder of one of God’s saving acts often mentioned in the communion liturgy.
If this is not a communion Sunday in your church, perhaps you could locate (during the last hymn?) an appropriately sized “divided Reed Sea” at the door between the nave and the narthex.
(A prayer, usually with connection to one or more of the lections for the day, to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession. Sometimes this prayer also borrows lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)
Holy mystery we name God
and in whom we find rest and shelter,
may your word bring healing
to the broken and bruised;
comfort to the grieving;
and assurance to the fearful.
By your spirit of grace
be present to those
whose troubles are known only to you
and those whom we name
on our lips and in our silence…
In Jesus’ name we pray….
(The Prayers of the People continue)
55A - Sunday 23A — 57A - Sunday 25A
Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate
Or metrical psalms? Try Dale A. Schoening’s Sing the Psalms
Father of heaven, whose love profound | TIS 131 |
Forgive our sins as we forgive | TIS 635 |
Holy Spirit, come confirm us | TIS 413 |
I danced in the morning when the world was be | TIS 242 |
O for a heart to praise my God | TIS 568 |
O for a thousand tongues to sing | TIS 210 |
Praise, my soul, the king of heaven; | TIS 134 |
Safe in the shadow of the Lord | TIS 644 |
Exodus 14:19-31 | |
Come, God’s people, sing for joy | TIS 391 |
Guide me, O my great Redeemer | TIS 569 |
Now we come, our heavenly Father | TIS 462 |
Our God, our help in ages past | TIS 47 |
Shalom to you now | TIS 778 |
Through the Red Sea brought at last | TIS 384 |
Psalm 114 OR Exodus 15:1b-11,20-21 | |
Come, God’s people, sing for joy | TIS 391 |
Glorious things of you are spoken | TIS 446 |
God of many names | TIS 180 |
Lord of earth and all creation | TIS 672 |
The day of resurrection | TIS 361 |
Through the Red Sea brought at last | TIS 384 |
Romans 14:1-12 | |
At the name of Jesus | TIS 231 |
God be in my head | TIS 549 |
Help us accept each other | TIS 648 |
In you is gladness | TIS 200 |
Jesus lives! your terrors now | TIS 372 |
Let him to whom we know belong | TIS 563 |
Lord Jesus, we belong to you | TIS 686 |
Lord in the strength of grace | TIS 483 |
Matthew 18:21-35 | |
All praise to our redeeming Lord | TIS 442 |
Come, God’s people, sing for joy | TIS 391 |
Forgive our sins, as we forgive | TIS 635 |
Help us accept each other | TIS 648 |
Make me a channel of your peace | TIS 607 |
O the deep, deep love of Jesus | TIS 232 |
We are marching in the light of God | TIS 666 |