06C - Christmas 1C — 08C - Epiphany
See also my posts from 2013, 2016, 2022
Psalm 29
Give glory and honour and power and authority
to the name of the LORD,
all you children of God!
Worship the LORD in holy awe;
bow down in the overwhelming presence of our God.
Listen to the presence of the LORD over the waters;
hear the majesty of the name of the LORD;
its power and authority above the roar of the flood.
Cedar panels in the Temple splinter at the voice of the LORD,
lightning flashes rip open the sky;
animals give birth before their time, and the earth trembles.
A shout of “Glory!” rises to the LORD enthroned in splendour.
May the LORD give protection and blessing and life for ever
Holy Source of all that is,
you fill us with the Bread of Life.
With joy we offer ourselves;
our whole being, all we are, and all we have.
Use us as people of grace,
to release the captive,
and bind up the broken-hearted;
in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Click here for some ideas for worship in Advent and Christmas gleaned from the pages of “On the Move” (now out of print), published by the Joint Board of Christian Education, Melbourne, Australia.
(A prayer to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession with connection to the lections for the day. Sometimes this prayer borrows lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end;
standing at the doorway of a new year
We name, in word and silence,
our joys, concerns and thanks…
Spirit of holiness
comfort the grieving and lonely,
encourage the weak
and sustain the helpless
that they too may know a new beginning…
(The Prayers of the People continue)
Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate
Jeremiah 31:7-14 |
God of grace and God of glory | TIS 611 |
Great God, we sing that mighty hand | TIS 124 |
Now to the Lord a noble song! | TIS 113 |
Rejoice, the Lord is King | TIS 216 |
The king of love my shepherd is | TIS 145 |
Psalm 147:12-20 |
Praise now the Lord! its good to raise | TIS9I |
Sing to God with joy and gladness | TIS 92 |
Ephesians 1:3-14 |
Almighty God, lift up our eyes | TIS 615 |
Dear Christians, one and all rejoice | TIS 196 |
Father in heaven, grant to your children | TIS 465 |
God of many names | TIS 180 |
God! When human bonds are broken | TIS 683 |
God, we praise you, God, we bless you | TIS 99 |
Holy Spirit, come confirm us | TIS 413 |
Lord Jesus, our bright Morning Star | TIS 199 |
Sing praise to the Lord! | TIS 96 |
Sing praise and thanksgiving, let all cr | TIS 107 |
Spread, O spread, almighty Word | TIS 450 |
There’s a spirit in the air | TIS 414 |
We are your people | TIS 468 |
John 1:(1-9),10-18 |
Alleluia … The Word of the Lord lasts | TIS 257 |
At the dawning of salvation | TIS 392 |
Colourful Creator, God of mystery | TIS 190 |
Come, you people, come adore him | TIS 101 |
I danced in the morning | TIS 242 |
Jesus calls us here to meet him | TIS 477 |
Jesus the Lord said, ‘I am the bread’ | TIS 239 |
Joy to the world! the Lord is come | TIS 268 |
Let all together praise our God | TIS 298 |
Now to the Lord a noble song | TIS 113 |
O Laughing Light, O first born of creation | TIS 255 |
O what a gift, what a wonderful gift | TIS 278 |
Praise to you, O Christ our Saviour | TIS 258 |
Sing a new song, sing a new song | TIS 166 |
We all believe in God who made | TIS 435 |
When God almighty came to be one of us | TIS 281 |