54A - Sunday 22A — 56A - Sunday 24A
See also my post from 2017, 2020, 2023
PSALM 149 – A Call to Worship
Praise the Source of life!
Sing to the Holy One a new song.
Praise the one we name God among the communion of saints.
Let the people of God rejoice in their creator.
Let them praise the Source of all that is with dance,
and celebrate with musical instruments,
because God delights in them,
and adorns the despairing with welfare.
Let all the saints jump for joy;
let them cry out with gladness where they rest.
Let high praises of Divine be in their throats:
word and song that overcome injustice,
binding rulers in chains and the powerful in iron shackles;
bringing justice to them, and honour to all God’s faithful.
Praise the Source of all that is!
(a) Shallow trays or dishes of sand set out at or near the communion table;
(b) a supply of small votive candles, sufficient for the whole congregation;
(c) a large central candle from which the votice candles can be lit.
(d) as a precaution, it may be appropriate to have a fire-blanket on hand.
While Romans 13:8-14 is read, each member of the congregation is invited to listen for the word of grace or phrase which catches their attention. After several moments of silent reflection have the passage read again . . . slowly. The congregation is invited to come forward as “their” word or phrase is read, light a candle, and stand it in the tray of sand, and then return to their seat.
If the lighting in the church can be reduced for this reading, so much the better; the increasing “candle-power” will dramatically symbolise the approaching day, however that is understood from this reading.
(A prayer, usually with connection to one or more of the lections for the day, to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession. Sometimes this prayer also borrows lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)
Tender and loving God,
comfort of the sorrowing,
strength of the suffering,
embrace them in your mercy
and by the presence of your Spirit,
moving as a gentle breeze,
or blowing as a turbulent storm,
strengthen us to serve them.
Hear our prayer
for those whose names are on our lips
and those for whom we pray in silence…
In Jesus’ name we pray …
(The Prayers of the People continue)
Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate
Or metrical psalms? Try Dale A. Schoening’s Sing the Psalms
I’ll praise my maker while I’ve breath, | TIS 90 |
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord | TIS 161 |
The law of Christ alone can make us free | TIS 630 |
This is my will, my one command | TIS 641 |
When I survey the wondrous cross | TIS 342 |
Exodus 12: 1-14 | |
Behold the Lamb of God | TIS 705 |
Glory to our boundless God | TIS 189 |
God’s Paschal Lamb is sacrificed for us | TIS 543 |
He walked on earth, showing glimpses of heaven | TIS 260 |
Shout for joy! The Lord has let us feast | TIS 545 |
Psalm 149 | |
All creatures of our God and King | TIS 100 |
Come, God’s people, sing for joy | TIS 391 |
I danced in the morning | TIS 242 |
Rejoice, the Lord is king | TIS 216 |
Sing a new song to the Lord | TIS 95 |
Sing praise to the Lord | TIS 96 |
Romans 13: 8-14 | |
Brother, sister, let me serve you | TIS 650 |
Fold to your heart your sister and your brother | TIS 587 |
Forth in your name, O Lord, I go | TIS 571 |
Great God, your Spirit, like the wind | TIS 416 |
I come with joy to meet my Lord | TIS 533 |
I want to walk as a child of the light | TIS 643 |
Love is his word, love is his way | TIS 534 |
O God of love, whose heart is ever yearn | TIS 614 |
O Jesus Christ, may grateful hymns be rising | TIS 620 |
Praise to you, O Christ our Saviour | TIS 258 |
Soldiers of Christ, arise | TIS 570 |
The law of Christ alone can make us free | TIS 630 |
We are your people, Lord, by your grace | TIS 468 |
What does the Lord require of you | TIS 751 |
What does the Lord require | TIS 618 |
When I needed a neighbour were you there | TIS 629 |
Matthew 18: 15-20 | |
All praise to our redeeming Lord | TIS 442 |
Brother, sister, let me serve you | TIS 650 |
Fight the good fight with all your might | TIS 594 |
Fold to your heart your sister and your brother | TIS 587 |
Help us accept each other | TIS 648 |
Jesus calls us here to meet him | TIS 477 |
Jesus, where’er your people meet | TIS 445 |
Joyful, joyful, we adore you | TIS 152 |
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven | TIS 134 |
When love is found and hope comes home | TIS 654 |
Your coming, Lord, to earth in Bethlehem | TIS 285 |
Cheers, Rodger; all the best,
Happily I have been able to locate the listed suggested hymns etc which was my query yesterday by using “fiddle time”!