23C - Lent 5C — 24C - Palm Sunday OR 25C Monday in Holy Week
See also my post from 2013 here …
PSALM 31:9-16
Be gracious, O LORD, for I am in distress;
my eye is wasting with anger,
together with my inner being and my stomach.
For my life is consumed by grief
and my years in groaning;
My strength fails because of my distress
and my bones become weak.
Because of my oppressors I am a disgrace;
to my neighbours, I’m a disaster,
to my acquaintances, a cause for trembling.
seeing me in the street they flee from me.
I am forgotten like one who is dead,
and have become like a broken pot.
For I have heard the whispering of the crowd – terror all around –
in scheming together against me they plot to take my life.
But I trust in you, O LORD;
I say, ‘You are my God.’
My days are in your hands;
snatch me from the hand of my enemies and pursuers.
Let your face shine on your servant;
save me in your steadfast love.
Blessed is the one, O God,
in whom you reconciled the world to yourself.
May our gifts and our living
restore life to others,
bring reconciliation
and encourage true holiness,
to your glory and praise, O God;
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
whom you have exalted
and given a name above every name. Amen.
A CREATIVE MOMENT – Isaiah 50:4-9a
During Lent the primary focus of these creative moments is on the lections from the Hebrew Scripture, in which we see God’s steadfast, sure love expressed in covenant, promise and abundant provision.
Create a banner/graphic depicting last week’s symbol of water and soil to add to the banners/graphics from the previous four weeks. This week’s symbol of ‘awakening’ could be a graphic/banner of a sunrise offset by a symbol of darkness (i.e. the insults and spitting of the adversaries).
Click here for some ideas for worship in Lent and Easter gleaned from the pages of “On the Move” (now out of print) which was published by the Joint Board of Christian Education, Melbourne, Australia.
(A prayer to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession with connection to the lections for the day. Sometimes this prayer borrows lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)
Be a sustaining presence, O God,
to those we name on our lips
and in the silence of our hearts…
a blessing to those
who love and care for them…
Pour out your Spirit of comfort
on all who are weighed down with grief;
those whose troubles are known only to you;
and be present to those who have no-one …
In Jesus’ name …
(The Prayers of the People continue)
Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate
Or metrical psalms? Try Dale A. Schoening’s Sing the Psalms
Isaiah 50: 4-9a |
God has spoken to his people, hallelujah | TIS 636 |
O breath of God, breathe on us now | TIS 408 |
Sing praise and thanksgiving, | TIS 107 |
Psalm 31:9-16 |
Great God, we sing that mighty hand | TIS 124 |
Have faith in God, my heart | TIS 619 |
Philippians 2: 5-11 |
A spendthrift lover is the Lord | TIS 676 |
Blest are the pure in heart | TIS 448 |
Brother, sister, let me serve you | TIS 650 |
Create in us a clean heart, O God | TIS 712 |
He became poor that we may be rich | TIS 721 |
Join all the glorious names | TIS 205 |
O Spirit of the living God | TIS 405 |
O love, how deep, how broad, how high | TIS 194 |
Praise the God who changes places | TIS 178 |
Praise to you, O Christ our Saviour | TIS 258 |
Luke 22:14-23:56 |
According to thy gracious word | TIS 515 |
Alleluia … The Word of the Lord lasts | TIS 257 |
Among us and before us, Lord, you stand | TIS 259 |
Bread of the world in mercy broken | TIS 512 |
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest | TIS 524 |
God! When human bonds are broken | TIS 683 |
Here, Lord, we take the broken bread | TIS 523 |
Jesus, remember me | TIS 730 |
My song is love unknown | TIS 341 |
O sacred head sore wounded | TIS 339 |
See, world, your life suspended | TIS 338 |
Were you there when they crucified my Lord | TIS 345 |
When his time was over, | TIS 357 |
Luke 23:1-49 |
According to thy gracious word | TIS 515 |
My song is love unknown | TIS 341 |
O Jesus crucified, for us you suffered | TIS 354 |
O sacred head sore Wounded | TIS 339 |
Peace with the Father, peace with Christ | TIS 466 |
Woman in the night | TIS 661 |