37C - Ascension Day — 39C - Day of Pentecost
See also my posts from 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022
Let the earth shout with joy at the sovereignty of the LORD:
sun-drenched beaches, reefs and distant islands, rejoice!
Clouds of deep mystery surround the LORD,
whose throne stands firm on justice
and God’s actions to put things right.
The spirit of the LORD rises up,
transforming and dispelling the surrounding powers and principalities.
Lightning shone in the dark of the world,
and the earth writhed as though in childbirth.
Ageless mountains melted like wax before the LORD,
from the presence of the LORD of all the earth
The heavens proclaimed God’s actions to put things right,
and all the people saw the glory of the LORD.
CONFESSION (Psalm 97:8-12)
Those who went after other gods were put to shame –
even the gods bowed down.
Rejoicing and acclamation rise up
because of your judgements, O LORD.
For you, O LORD, are the Most High, over all the earth;
you are greatly exalted over the gods.
There are times we follow other gods, to our own shame.
You who love the LORD, despise evil,
for the LORD protects the lives of the faithful,
and will rescue them from the hand of the wicked.
There are times we turn from the protection of your hand
Light shines out for those who live justly;
it rejoices for the honest heart.
Rejoice, in the LORD, you whose lives express God’s justice,
and give thanks to the holy name of your God.
There are times when our living does not express your justice
Comfort us, heal us, and re-create us, O God,
so that in wholeness we may live
the loving way of Jesus. Amen.
The heavens proclaim your acting
to put things right, O God,
and the mountains melt like wax before you.
We bring the love, life and substance of our world and work.
Grant us, by your Spirit,
the love to use our lives and our gifts
to follow in the way of Jesus. Amen.
For use in worship, with acknowledgement. © Jeff Shrowder 2000, 2016.
A CREATIVE MOMENT – Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21
As for last week, a large jug of water (together with several glass tumblers), bright white/gold flowers and a swathe of white/gold cloth draped from these symbols onto the floor, symbolising the river of the water of life. A small fruit tree in a tub or pot could be placed alongside the blue cloth on the floor. Perhaps use v.17 as part of a Call to Worship.
Click here for some ideas for worship in Lent and Easter gleaned from the pages of “On the Move” (now out of print), published by the Joint Board of Christian Education, Melbourne, Australia.
(A prayer to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession with connection to the lections for the day. Sometimes this prayer borrows lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)
Gracious God,
we pray for those we have named today
in word and silence,
and we pray for ourselves,
that together,
by the light of your word and the warmth of holy breath,
we may be alive to your sustaining presence,
set free from the inner discord and seIf-interest that traps us,
to joyfully serve you,
accepting today in the hope of the new day
which you bring
in the risen and ascended one ….
(The Prayers of the People continue)
Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate
Christ is made the sure foundation | TIS 432 |
Hallelujah ! sing to Jesus | TIS 517 |
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds | TIS 223 |
Love Divine all loves excelling | TIS 217 |
Ye gates lift up your heads | TIS 12 |
Acts 16:16-34 |
Breathe on me breath of God | TIS 407 |
God is my strong salvation | TIS 15 |
I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath | TIS 90 |
In suffering love, the thread of life | TIS 177 |
O for a heart to praise my God | TIS 568 |
You are my hiding place | TIS 754 |
PSALM 97 |
The Lord is King, let earth rejoice | TIS 55 |
Revelation 22:12-14,16-17,20-21 |
Christ is the world’s true light | TIS 238 |
Come let us join our cheerful songs | TIS 204 |
God has spoken by his prophets | TIS 158 |
Hark! a herald voice is calling | TIS 264 |
Jesus, where’er thy people meet | TIS 445 |
Lo! he comes with clouds descending | TIS 273 |
Lord Jesus, our bright Morning Star | TIS 199 |
Of the Father’s love begotten ere the worlds | TIS 290 |
Rejoice! The Lord is king | TIS 216 |
This, this is the God we adore | TIS 220 |
Wake, awake! for night is flying | TIS 266 |
What shall I do my God to love, | TIS 122 |
John 17:20-26 |
Christ is the heavenly food that gives | TIS 522 |
Christ is the world’s light | TIS 246 |
Christ, whose glory fills the skies | TIS 212 |
Filled with the Spirit’s power | TIS 411 |
Hail the day that sees him rise | TIS 369 |
Help us accept each other | TIS 648 |
Here in this place new light is streaming | TIS 474 |
Lord Jesus, if the same you are | TIS 566 |
My heart & voice I raise | TIS 225 |
Sent forth by God’s blessing | TIS 531 |
Son of God, eternal Saviour | TIS 606 |
The law of Christ alone can make us free | TIS 630 |