63C – All Saints Day

62C - Sunday 30C64C - Sunday 31C
PSALM 149 – A Call to Worship
Praise the Source of life!
Sing to the Holy One a new song.
Praise the one we name God among the communion of saints.
Let the people of God rejoice in their creator.
Let them praise the Source of all that is with dance,
and celebrate with musical instruments,
because God delights in them,
and adorns the despairing with welfare.
Let all the saints jump for joy;
let them cry out with gladness where they rest.
Let high praises of Divine be in their throats:
word and song that overcome injustice,
binding rulers in chains and the powerful in iron shackles;
bringing justice to them, and honour to all God’s faithful.
Praise the Source of all that is!
Holy One,
whose steadfast love is more than life itself
and whose realm is forever,
we bring an offering;
our time, talent, and treasure.
With the siants in every age
we ask that your Spirit of grace
encourage us to use these gifts
to the glory of your name. Amen

For use in worship, with acknowledgement. © Jeff Shrowder 2013.

Check out the suggestions for Year A or Year B

(A prayer to gather the spoken and silent concerns/joys/thanks expressed by the congregation and lead into a more structured Intercession with connection to the lections for the day. Sometimes this prayer borrows lightly from other sources e.g. Uniting in Worship 2 or publications of the Iona Community.)

Holy and mysterious God,
Source of life;
receive our tiredness,
our emptiness,
our fear,
our despair.
Be our consolation
and fill us again with hope.
Even as we pray for ourselves
be present to those we have named
on our lips and in our silence
and to those whose troubles are known only to you.
Loving God of all generations,
hear the cries of your world,
in Jesus’ name…

         (The Prayers of the People continue)

Looking for contemporary music and song resources?
Try David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate

Blesed be the everlasting God TIS 114
Blest are the pure in heart TIS 448
Come, let us join our cheerful songs TIS 204
For all the saints who from … TIS 455
Give me the wings of faith … TIS 438
God, we praise you, God we … TIS 99
Lord, you are the light of life TIS 261
O what a gift, what a wonderful TIS 278
Our God, our help in ages past TIS 47
Rejoice in God’s saints, today … TIS 470
Shout for joy, the Lord has … TIS 545
Through the Red Sea brought … TIS 384
We sing the praise of him … TIS 347
Ye watchers and ye holy ones TIS 150
You holy angels bright TIS 108
Your hand, O God, has guided TIS 456
Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18  
No suggestions  
Psalm 149  
Come, God’s people, sing for joy TIS 391
Give me the wings of faith to rise TIS 438
I danced in the morning TIS 242
Rejoice, the Lord is king TIS 216
Sing a new song to the Lord TIS 95
Ephesians 1:11-23  
Bring many names, beautiful and good TIS 182
Christ from whom all blessings flow TIS 440
Christ is the world’s redeemer TIS 192
God of many names TIS 180
God, we praise you, God, we bless you TIS 99
Join all the glorious names TIS 205
Loving Spirit, loving Spirit TIS 417
Rejoice, the Lord is king TIS 216
Spirit of truth, essential God TIS 426
The great love of God TIS 164
This is a day of new beginnings TIS 653
Luke 6:20-31  
Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair TIS 690
Dear Christians, one and all rejoice TIS 196
Father all-loving and ruling in majesty TIS 160
Give thanks with a grateful heart TIS 717
Great God, your Spirit, like the wind TIS 416
Help us accept each other TIS 648
In great thanksgiving, O love divine TIS 632
Joyful, joyful we adore you TIS 152
Make me a channel of your peace TIS 607
Not the powerful, not the privileged TIS 288
O bride of Christ, rejoice TIS 336
O changeless Christ, for ever new TIS 254
O Lord Jesus Marrkapmirr TIS 253
Since the world was young TIS 544
We plough the fields, and scatter TIS 130

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