This article is from Issue 25 of “On The Move,” a publication of new learning possibilities for churches, at one time published by The Joint Board of Christian Education of Australia and New Zealand.
Although some ideas and liturgies may appear somewhat “dated” in style, concept, imagery or language, they may nevertheless offer a spring-board for new ideas among people who find themselves leading worship, perhaps in a new context, and with some trepidation.
Reproduced by permission. May be printed for use in local congregations only.
Liturgies for lighting candles in the Advent Wreath – by Murray Couch
Jesus: the Coming One
(The people stand.)
LITURGIST: During Advent we celebrate that God comes to his people.
Jesus is the One-who-comes.
PEOPLE: We worship him! (The first candle is lit.)
LITURGIST: Jesus shines as the One-who-comes.
PEOPLE: Let the light shine!
Jesus: the Ruling One
(Before the service one candle is lit. The people stand.)
LITURGIST: During Advent we celebrate that God comes to his people.
Jesus is the One-who-comes;
Jesus is the One-who-rules.
PEOPLE: We worship him! (The second candle is lit.)
LITURGIST: Jesus shines as the One-who-rules.
PEOPLE: Let the light shine’
Jesus: the Promised One
(Before the service two candles are lit. The people stand.)
LITURGIST: During Advent we celebrate that God comes to his people.
Jesus is the One-who-comes;
Jesus is the One-who-rules.
Jesus is the One-who-was-promised
PEOPLE: We worship him! (The third candle is lit.)
LITURGIST: Jesus shines as the One-who-was-promised.
PEOPLE: Let the light shine’
Jesus: God-with-us
(Before the service three candles are lit. The people stand.)
LITURGIST: During Advent we celebrate that God comes to his people.
Jesus is the One-who-comes;
Jesus is the One-who-rules.
Jesus is the One-who-was-promised
PEOPLE: Jesus is God-with-us We worship him! (The fourth candle is lit.)
LITURGIST: Jesus shines as God-with-us.
PEOPLE: Let the light shine’
(Before the service four candles are lit. The people stand.)
LITURGIST: During Advent we celebrate that God comes to his people.
Jesus is the One-who-comes;
Jesus is the One-who-rules.
Jesus is the One-who-was-promised
Jesus is God-with-us We worship him! (The fifth candle is lit.)
PEOPLE: Glory to God in highest heaven and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased (Luke 2:14)
LITURGIST: Let the glory of God shine!
Let the peace of God shine!
PEOPLE: Let the light of Jesus shine!