Sunday 4th Jan – Christmas 2B

The light and Life
seen in Jesus of Nazareth, born of Mary,
revealed most clearly
the love of the holy presence we name God …
In him we are shown how to love …
and in him we are given light for our darkness.

In gathering for worship
we are reminded that we are not our own,
but called forth to search for the little ones
and to bring them home again,
sent forth to raise up the lowly
and call down the mighty ones …

We listen for the voice of the Spirit of grace
heard in Jesus,
that we might know where to go
when truth seems grey and shifting;
when there is violence in front
and violence behind;
when systems destroy their dignity
of those who need …
and our gifts only take away their power;
that we might know how can we decide
what is right
when one value contests another
and Solomon’s choices seem simple by comparison.

By the mystery of grace we name the Holy Spirit
may our eyes be opened to see the wonder of the divine …
our ears opened to hear a transcending word …
our mouths opened to sing holy praise …
our hearts opened
to the transforming presence
of the one who is
Source of life, Word of life, Breath of life. Amen.

(Adapted from supplementary resources to Uniting in Worship 2, Uniting Church Press, Sydney.2005)

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