LUKE 17:11-19
Ten lepers made clean:
one turned back in praise of God
and was declared whole.
From a distance
the ten cried out for mercy:
reconnection with their own —
acceptance, inclusion.
The Teacher,
passing through
the ill-defined and much-avoided
shared by Galilee and Samaria,
encouraged their following the law.
They went
and on the way
outside the dominant faith and community,
became aware:
he was clean;
it was God’s doing in the word of the Teacher;
mercy, acceptance, inclusion
were his
he was whole.
He worshipped God
and thanked the Teacher
in ways that can discomfort us,
who unaware,
take these three for granted.
Unawareness, a disease much harder to treat
than blotchy skin.
Following the way of the Teacher,
taking him at his word,
may we become aware
and made whole.
© Jeff Shrowder, 2013.
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