Australian Hymn Writers and Translators in TiS

(A quick list which may be the victim of errors and omissions.)
Information extracted from ‘A Companion to Together in Song’, Wesley Milgate and D’Arcy Wood,
Aust. Hymn Book Pty. Ltd.,Sydney, 2006. ISBN 0 646 45712 8

Boniwell, John 659
Dowling, Owen 673
Hay, Granton 76
Holmes, Gerry 358
Kleinig, John 295, 686
Langmead, Ross 681
Lewis, Patricia 671
Ludgater, Shirley 698
McAuley, James 166, 354, 386, 463, 464, 529, 628, 630
McPherson, Albert 78
Mann, Robin 357, 491, 538, 647, 689, 781
Merritt, Joy 170
Milgate, Wesley 85, 169, 285, 327, 383
Minchin, James 542
Moore, Brian 623
O’Neill, Judith 486
Pearson, Keith 391
Pfitzner, John 199, 435
Podlich, Aubrey 779
Proeve, Henry 200
Scambler, Thomas 460
Schubert, David Numerous translations
Smith, Elizabeth 188, 420, 684, 687, 691
Taylor, Clifford 462, 625
Theile, Otto 208
Thompson, David 383
Thwaites, Honor 110, 121, 581, 672
Thwaites, Michael 672, 695
Schenker (Van Herp), Sharny 742
Wheeler, John 322
Williams, Kenneth 487
Wood, D’Arcy 241, 253
Zschech, Darlene 738

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