03 September 2023 – Sunday 22A (COCU 54A)

Exodus 3:1-15
Beyond wilderness,
Moses herding Jethro’s flock,
saw a burning bush*.

Moses was troubled
that God should call him to free
his oppressed people.

Like Moses, we argue,
deny, resist, doubt our worth,
look for a way out.

“Who am I”, we ask,
“that I should go?” when God calls
and unsettles us.

Yet this God who sends –
your ancestors’ God – affirms,
“I will be, with you”.
     Jeff Shrowder, 2023
*Heb: “Seneh“. Sinai is an alternative name for Horeb.
Seneh and Sinai
perhaps provide a word-play
for this place of call.
More for Sunday 22A…